In the recent past, professions in the field of economics and finance were the most prestigious. Economists received high salaries and were regarded as the elite of society. Digitalization and the Internet allowed the introduction of artificial intelligence in the field of economic settlements, as a result of which the demand for specialists in the sphere of economy began to decline.
However, artificial intelligence proved powerless in the field of employee or industrial and commercial management. Management is a creative domain that requires cognitive abilities and intuition from its creators. Labour market experts and headhunters predict such a phenomenon as the wave of demand for managers in all leading activities.
Responsibilities of manager
The manager is a specialist in the field of process management in any branch of production, commerce, construction, social and cultural spheres. The main fields of modern management reflect the sphere of activity of managers in the real branches of economy and society, such as:
- Personnel management.
- Enterprise management.
- Management of financial flows and investments.
- Marketing management of product promotion (such as market analysis, pricing policy and advertising).
- PR-management (reputation management and brand promotion).
- Product management (product development and implementation management).
- Project management (project management).
- Innovative management (management of the introduction of innovative solutions and computer technologies, artificial intelligence).
The widespread use of the Internet and the introduction of digitalization have led to the emergence of a specific direction in management, such as cybersecurity management. This was made possible by the universalization of this type of activity. There is also the opinion that certain digital maniacs and asocial loners are engaged in creating computer viruses and cyber attacks that are aimed at creating some digital evil.
But this is wrong, because almost 100% of cyber attacks are done on the orders of competitors in order to hurt rivals, and this is business as usual in our reality. According to insider analysis, there is no big trouble to use a virus or DDoS-attack on competitor sites on order. That’s why the risks of cyber attacks have become so high lately. Modern corporations and simple websites need skilled digital security management.

Scientific system management
It is not enough for a man to have managerial skills and an understanding of human psychology to become an effective manager and to get a prestigious, high-paying position in a wealthy company. Modern entrepreneurs and small business owners work with models that have been developed on the basis of all historical experience of administration in different fields of business.
Numerous research institutes are working on practical methodologies and strategies, such as ones from the United States and the United Kingdom. Such research is commissioned or funded by wealthy global corporations. That is why the concepts of modern system management have become particularly in demand in many fields of economics and information security. Knowledge management is one of the most promising areas of modern management. The widespread and rapid introduction of digitalization is leading to the disappearance of previously sought-after professions. The problem is that millions of people are left destitute.
This problem has created the social task of re-profiling and retraining those who have lost their sources of income and even the opportunity to find a new profession. Now, it is important for people not only to learn a new profession, but also to choose the right course of action based on their individual skills. These are the issues that the specialist in knowledge-management performs. Today, labour capital has become the most important source of professional activity. This is the reason why research in the field of social management and the competent management of personnel are a priority.